After buying art supplies, we had a few painting sessions. They love to paint!
Gar loves to dip his paintbrushes into the water, so he ends up with very wet paper.
El uses more vivid colours and he painted a few pieces.
This mother let them use recycled paper. El complained that some of the papers were filled up on both sides, but I pointed out that there was still some space left. Gar does not care much, and he just paints.
While poster colours might have more vivid colours, I think watercolours suit toddlers and pre-schoolers as all they have to do is to dip their wet paintbrushes on the water colours and they get all the colours instantly. Parents do not have to squeeze the tube of pain for them, and then have to wash up. For water colours, I just dab the colours dry, rinse the containers and paint brushes.
All these abstract art pieces are done by Gar.
These paintings with more vivid colours and pictures are done by El.
Rainbow colours
Octopus in the Sea
These two guys are supposed to be Chris and Marten, wildlife explorers from Wild Kratts.
This is a great activity to keep them busy and interested. Just a few days ago, Gar asked for them and the children started painting again.