I found some of these old funny quips by El collected on my laptop.
1. El’s composition
Naughty nightingale
Sings to me
naughty nightingale
On a tree
And a great big owl
Laughs at him
Ha ha ha ha
He was singing this while randomly hitting the keys on the keyboard
2. Dromedary
I was playing doodle hangman with my kid, and he actually told me what a dromedary was. I need to read up more!
By the way, it is a single-humped camel. The double-humped camel is known as Bactrian.
“07. Camel Profile, near Silverton, NSW, 07.07.2007” by Jjron – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
“2011 Trampeltier 1528“. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
3. Today is Tuesday…
This boy refuses to wear his underwear because “it says ‘Wednesday’, but ‘today is Tuesday'”.
4. Rhino the Kidnapper
I was reading a Spider-Man book with Elgin. He was fighting The Rhino who had kidnapped a boy. He asked me what ‘kidnapped’ meant, and I told him, using him as an example. After he understood the concept, he suddenly burst into tears and was very upset.
5. Sabre Tooth Tiger
Ok, this is not a quip, but something funny he did.
We had just watched Ice Age 4, and Elgin broke his Yan Yan biscuit stick into 2 and put them in his mouth like the sabre toothed tiger.
6. I am a good storyteller.
I cannot remember the exact details, but we were talking about writing stories down. I had suggested to El to type his stories out, so that he can remember them. Then he said he did not need to do that because he could remember them. He said, “I am a good storyteller, I can remember the stories.” Not sure how he got that idea.