Random German song I sing to Gar
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, DRACULA!
Fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, DRACULA
Erwacht, erwacht um Mitternacht.
Die Uhr schlägt zwölf ich hör es schon:
Dracula am Telefon.
Es klappert sein Gebiß,
Es klappert sein Gerüst.
Die Leichen tanzen Rock ‘n Roll
bei Nacht, bei Nacht, bei Nacht im Mondenschein!
Unfortunately, I can only remember the first few phrases. I had first learnt it in my German class.
The other German song I sing to Gar is Eins, Zwei, Polizei. It is a German nursery rhyme, similar to One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. It is also an Euro techno song by an Italian, Mo-Do.
I like to sing the German ABC to El. I love to see the look of confusion on his face when he discovers it is different from his usual ABC.