We went to the Gardens By The Bay in early December. The place is free at certain parts, but if you want to visit more of the exotic plants, you will have to pay.
To see the supertrees, it is best to go at night as they are lighted up. They are actually exhaust pipes for the air-conditioners. The whole place is green in design, so lots of recycling is done.
We reached there at 11am and we were hungry.
We found a cafe that was open. Their lunch menu starts at 11.30am, but we managed to get some food.
El found the penne too hot.
The sandwich was huge!
It looked like a pretty decent place. I saw a bunch of expat mothers with their infants and toddlers having brunch.
Outside the cafe were some Christmas decorations. Some poly students were playing Amazing Race too.
We explored a little park that has exercise stations.
Gar was playing with this spider web and lots of fun!
El was walking on the shaky bridge.
A statue of an ant hill…
and a dragon outside.
There is a free water park, but they are for children 6 or 7 years and older.
Marina Bay Sands in the background, but it looks slightly hazy.
Some pretend fun! They do have a lot of alligators (looks more like alligators to me, with their U shape snouts.)
While queuing to go inside, we overheard an excited usher who said she saw the late Steve Irwin’s family. We did not get to see them that day.
Inside the conservatory. It is a dome made of glass. Cacti galore!
I had never seen creeping cacti.
This type looks more familiar to me.
Some flowers I had seen/
An interesting statue that appears to float.
They have a Christmas flowers exhibition.
They had Christmas decorations of European towns.
Christmas trees
A random tourist who asked to pose with El. They kept asking us to take their photos. We should have asked them to take our family photo.
Flow’ry the Snowman
We went to the other exhibition. It had a waterfall. I did not take many photos there.
Opal stones.
A closeup!