My helper has left for home after her contract is up. This is the first weekend without any help in nearly two years. We stayed home most of the time since the boys were not well enough to go out for food.
The first thing I did was to cook breakfast for Gar. El was with his grandparents as we had to separate the two from further cross infection.
I steamed some fish and meat for Gar. I am not a good cook.
It was time to keep Gar’s clothes.
Gar was hiding behind the clothes hangers. What a cheeky boy.
We pasted stickers onto a sticker book. He tried counting them but only counted to 5 and then he mixed it up.
After that, he played with his Lego toys.
Then, he wanted to play Ninja Turtles with his father.
We had fun with this boy over the weekend, but that meant that we had not much time left to do our own work. Should I relook into the hours I spend at work?

Spending time with our family, especially our kids is a time well spent. I had these chance too when our house help left us. I had to took a leave form work and do all the house chores, aside from taking care of my son and mother. It’s always a tiring day and it’s actually more tiring than my work. But I enjoyed and loved it, and I wish one day I can just stay home with my son.
what a productive time for your kid 🙂
I love spending time with my kids. It so wonderful seeing them giggling and being happy helping you with house chores, especially now that you don’t have help. Enjoy every moment!
I was having the same dilemma before, especially when my two daughters were so much smaller. After having so many tries to get a nanny, we decided to just throw the towel and take care of the girls ourselves
That was a great decision. My husband is supportive of me taking a lighter workload, so I need to talk to my supervisor about it.
Having time with our kids especially over the weekends are very priceless. It gives some relief from a stressful week at work.
Gar was so cute! It’s really a great time when you get to spend the day with your loved ones. Today is a holiday too so enjoy the rest of the day!
It’s always great to spend time with the kids! Your little Gar is so cute! 🙂
I work from home so I am always with my three children. But since I need to focus on work, I can’t really say that I have spent quality time with them. So, setting aside time for them together and separately is part of my agenda.
A nice way to spend the weekend. QT na kung QT!
they say questions of kids are those thatare the hardest to answer..hahah
Your kids are so cute! they just brought to much joy in our heart and make bad day a good one.
Thanks Melgie!